Why not let an app be your busy elf this holiday season?

Many would say it's the most wonderful time of the year, with a warm glow of holiday magic in the air. Businesses owners would likely say it is the most frenzied and yet profitable time of the year. The holidays offer a  short season but a high impact for business owners. Being prepared for the holiday rush through an app would make your season that much brighter.

Cyber Monday is the new Black Friday

According to a survey held by Nielson, 57% of consumers plan to shop online on Cyber Monday compared to the 10% of consumers that planned to shop at a physical retail store on Black Friday. There is a huge business opportunity behind holiday apps. In this season of giving, give your consumers the shopping experience they have come to expect in the mobile marketplace.

How can your app bring joy to the world?

Bring joy to your shoppers. These shoppers are deal snipers and savvy in holiday special ops (apps). They are armed with their smartphones ready to find the best deal. These gift hunters are mobile, boots on the ground kind of people who don't have time to sit at their computer. They have their finger on the screen ready to swipe and download coupons, capture special promos and purchase that gift on the spot!

As a retailer, an app is the happy elf your customers love, giving them a quick and joyful purchasing experience via mobile device. A holiday app (elf) also gives business owners their own joy through allocating merchandise, selling items and delivering specials online rather than in store. Everyone gets what they wish for and there is peace on earth.