We Love What We Do

Today is a day of celebration, of love and of passion.  We celebrate the love in the air because we have just reached our one year anniversary!  Yes, it is Valentine's Day, but our anniversary trumps it all.  Forget the flowers, the chocolates and the sensitive cards - just do not tell my wife - it’s time to celebrate our one year anniversary! 

Honestly, it’s no coincidence we launched TheMarketingMinds.com a year ago on Valentines Day, it was strategic - it’s what we do.  We love what we do and we love using our skills to help you.

Being able to do what we love and help others has been amazing over this past year.  We could not have done this without our families, friends and our clients.  In celebration of this day being Valentines Day and our anniversary we would like to spread the love.

We have a few deals for you to fit your marketing budget no matter what with our 2014 Promos.

You can Hire A Pro, get your Mobile Web App or Mobile App in 2014. We also have a promo if you want to Do It Yourself or would a little help with the Do It Yourself Plus.  If those are not what you are looking for maybe you want the Do It Yourself No More option so you don't have to worry about a single thing.  Whatever your choice, you cannot go wrong.

Thank you for reading and please tell us what or whom you love most!  Happy Valentines Day!