Random Twitter Tips from a SlideShare Presentation

Cassandra shared this SlideShare presentation with me and since I am opinionated I couldn't just share them with you, at least not without my thoughts. 

While this is informative, please know this is not our SlideShare presentation so we are not responsible if you click on the links within this slide.  We have checked and the linked websites appear to be safe, but click at your own risk.

I do not agree with slide 24 of 52, simply because #FollowFriday or #FF has not been effective in a long time.  Only because marketers have taken it too far, ruining it.

I want to expand on slide 29 of 52, sharing your content multiple times is not a bad idea, but do not share the same exact content.  Change it up a bit!  Before doing this find out which time zones your audience is in, especially since timing is everything on Twitter.

Slide 48 of 52 is spot on but the problem with putting your location in a tweet is that if thieves know when you are or are not at home.  This is why I do not include my location in my tweets, most of the time.

Thanks for reading.  If you found this information helpful please share or leave a comment below.